Remodeling Hints
Prior to enjoying the pleasures of your new kitchen, there is the remodeling construction. In order to make it as easy as possible, we invite you to take advantage of the great tips we’ve put together for you.
In the weeks before the work begins, keep a list of all those restaurants you’ve been meaning to try. When the microwave gets old, your list will come in handy for a quick escape!
Before the cabinets arrive – decide on a safe enclosed area for the cabinets and appliances to be delivered to. Usually the garage is a good location.
Pack up the kitchen (or bathroom) well before the remodel. While it’s a great time to “spring clean” your shelves, don’t forget to label the storage boxes well. This will make the unpacking process a lot easier and a lot more fun! Items that are fragile should be marked accordingly and stored in an area away from the construction.
Plan a location outside of the area where the remodeling is being done to act as your temporary kitchen.
Don’t forget:
- The fridge!
- You maybe able to temporarily move everything you need…except the kitchen sink! Consider where your “water source” will be in relation to your temporary kitchen.
- Microwave (and a freezer stocked with microwavable meals!)
- In a fond farewell to you old kitchen, spend some time in it, cooking. Make family favorites and throw them in the freezer. We promise you…you’ll thank yourself later!
- Coffee Maker (don’t forget to put the filters and coffee close at hand too!)
- Utility utensils, such as: can opener, bottle/wine opener, sharp knives, and microwavable dishes
- Toaster
- Keep the basics handy: butter, salt & pepper, favorite spices
- Dining area/table
- Tell the kids you’re picnicking… use paper plates & napkins as well as disposable silverware.
- Cleaning supplies and dishtowels
If it’s a bathroom remodel, pretend you’re packing to go on a trip. Remember the hairdryer and curling iron!
Don’t forget about Fido & Kitty! If there isn’t an area in your home to keep them safely away from construction, especially during certain phases – it maybe a perfect time to treat your pet to a vacation at the kennel or a play date at a friend’s home.
Decide in advance where you’d like the installers to store their tools.
Dust… there’s just no way to avoid it! If there is a fish tank or electrical equipment in close proximity to the work – remember to keep them well covered!